The "Official" Proposal Story- 1 Year Later

On October 29, 2014- a year ago today- my greatest and bestest friend in the whole entire universe asked me "officially" to marry him.

Wait, wait, wait, you say- what exactly do you mean by "officially", and what is the grand story behind this proposal?

Here's the "short story":
In late September 2014, I began conversing with a silly goofball on eHarmony. The first thing that drew me to him was how ridiculously funny and awkward he was (Side story- he tried to find a nice Italian restaurant for our first date, but since he was totally unfamiliar with the local area, all he found on Google was an Italian place in a hotel downtown and "that would be just weird and awkward". To this day, I STILL haven't figured out what this mysterious restaurant was- and I know that area well- so I'm placing my bets that he was actually looking in Montgomery, Some Other State! He suggested CiCi's as a joke, I took it seriously and accepted, he asked me to marry him as a joke and we were "basically" engaged before even meeting). Sometime on our first or second date, we started talking about marriage, by date three or so- we were pretty set that we were going to do this thing, a week and a half into the relationship- we went ring shopping and got engagement and wedding bands (no we don't mess around), a month into the relationship we went to Texas and I met his family and we got engaged. Yes we move fast. No we don't regret it.
So how did it go down? Like this:

While we were in Houston, we went to the Galleria to go ice skating and to show me what a mall really looks like (since ours in Montgomery was super teeny small). We took a detour on the way from the parking deck and stopped at a nice little water wall, well, it was actually a pretty big water wall. We met up with his dad, who had gotten off of work- and his nieces were running around the park. He took me by the hand and walked me closer to the wall. As we walked closer, I got irritated and more irritated, because I was getting misted on and I HATE getting misted on. I thought about walking away, and then, he got down on one knee...and pulled out an empty ring box.

Yes. An EMPTY ring box.
I laughed.
He threw it to the side.

And then he pulled out another ring box.
It was empty.
I laughed.
He threw it aside.

And then he pulled out another ring box.
It was empty.
I didn't laugh.
I was irritated.
I thought that he thought he was being funny and playing a joke on me.
He threw it aside. 
I considered walking away.

And then...
He pulled out a Ring Pop.
A Ring Pop.
My husband, 'yall.

He very quickly handed the Ring Pop to me
And pulled out a 4th ring box,
The final ring box,
The one that held the ring that I'll wear on my left hand forever and ever.

He said,
"Will you?"

(I'm 99.9% sure he didn't specify the "marry me" he might have been asking me something different, like to be his "Princess Leia in a slave girl costume"...but we'll never know now. I took it as a marriage proposal.)

I said,

And that was that.

And that is the story of how we "officially" got engaged.

It's a...

It's a...


I completely spaced and forgot to post over here on the blog the results of our gender ultrasound/reveal! For some reason, I remembered to call family and post on Instagram and Facebook...but never posted the results over here! Haha, preggo brain= preggo problems. Thanks Adam for the comment to remind me, otherwise it might have been April and the baby being born before I posted over here! 

Yoda's a little uncertain of what he's going to do with the baby sister that he's getting for his birthday (yes, our due date falls right around Yoda's first birthday AND April Fool's Day!). We were pretty surprised and uncertain of what we might do with a girl child as well...we've been calling the baby a "he" since we found out- we were that convinced it was a boy, but God had other plans. :) I love how those kinds of things work out. After wrapping our heads around the idea that we had a baby girl growing inside, we've gotten quite excited about the idea of a girl! Little Miss is already cracking us up- the other night we discovered "Rockabye Baby" (pop songs redone in lullaby form) and she had us cracking up at how much she would dance when she liked a song (her current favorites are "Gold Digger" and "Don't Stop Believin'"- I'm not sure her daddy likes the idea of her being a gold digger all that much, and I'm questioning our parenting skills already- bring on the PraiseBaby). Right now, little one is enjoying using my bladder as a trampoline and enjoys sticking her head in my side and my back, both of which are quite painful and lead to me doing all sorts of jumping around to get her to move. :)

We have picked a name and are 99.9% sure on it (we had a name picked out before the ultrasound, but after about a week of calling our wee one that name, we decided it just didn't fit/we didn't really like we've moved on to our NEW NAME that we love and adore and we can't wait to yell at our kid across the playground). Right now, we have shared it with family, but we're planning on waiting for the "official" 20 week ultrasound in November to get a second look at our baby girl and make sure she is really a she before we announce the name. That is- if this super impatient preggo can manage to wait that long/can go that long without slipping up. :) 

We're 16 weeks and 5 days today. We reach 17 weeks on Saturday. I can't believe how far we've made it with our little blessing. We are so close to being halfway there. I'm constantly in awe of how some people don't consider the little life growing inside of me to be a life. I just don't understand how my daughter who jumps and dances, responds to sound, and has precious little fingers and toes isn't considered alive, isn't considered a person. If anything, pregnancy has made me even more pro-life- which is hard to comprehend since I was already so so so prolife! :) 

Boots or Bows...soon we will know!

Due to this whole "it's-October-and-I'm-overwhelmed-and-tired-and-pregnant-and-struggling-with-antenatal-depression/anxiety-again" thing, I'm putting 31 Days of Prayer on the back burner. Is prayer something I'm still going to work on? Yes! But, this whole blogging every single day thing was exhausting and overwhelming last time I did it (and I didn't get all 31 days done then either), and it's stressing me out that I'm so behind, so I'm reminding myself that it's about #gracenotperfection and taking a step back. I still want to blog some about prayer, butI just need to take some time for my own sanity and remember that last time I pre-planned every blog post and this time I'm pregnant and overwhelmed, and that I don't have to do this whole #write31days thing to be the best blogger on the block, and that I don't really even need to be the best blogger on the block. I blog for myself, my family, to preserve memories, and to spread the light of Jesus to the world- not for notoriety, not for anyone else- just me and God. :)

Tonight, T and I will *hopefully* find out if Baby P is a boy or a girl! We say "hopefully", because baby does like to cross his/her legs a lot during ultrasounds, and we're only almost 15 weeks. I keep getting asked by people questions like "What do you think it is?" or "What are you hoping for?". To be honest, we think it's a baby, but we're hoping it's a velociraptor. :) Kidding.

We've had a gut feeling that it was a baby boy since the very beginning- we've had dreams, I've had symptoms, we just kept calling it a "he". We aren't "hoping" for anything more than a baby though. We would be so blessed with either a baby boy OR a baby girl- and we'll love them no matter what they are. If the baby is a girl, she'll have two girl cousins to love her and play with her when we visit. If the baby's a boy, I've got a little brother that's dying to teach him how to play football. It's a win-win situation, really.  While we're praying for God's protection over this precious child- we will love our child even if it is born with a health condition or disability. Our love for this child isn't dependent on its gender, health status, or anything else- we will love this child, simply because it is our child. We will follow the example that was given to us by our Father God- He loves us despite who we are- He loves us simply because we are His. Both T and I come from amazing, loving families that have loved and supported us throughout many endeavors over the years- we plan on following the example of the ones that went before us, and doing the same with our precious children.

But, in the spirit of fun- we decided to play a little game and designed a little poll where YOU can cast your vote on what YOU think Baby P is! Go here to vote, and we'll be announcing on social media (and a post on here!) when we find out! Here's some tips that might help you decide!