We had our anatomy scan today, and baby girl looks nice and healthy. We confirmed that Baby P is indeed a girl, so we also are announcing our name!
Since we had been so set on the idea that Baby P was a boy (up until 15 weeks), we didn't really have a great girl name picked out. Eliza Beth was our original girl name, but we both started feeling that baby wasn't really an Eliza (and it sounded a little old lady-ish), so after considering a few names, we settled on Sarah Claire, and we both love and adore it, and it fits our little fireball quite well. She's definitely a princess, and has brought much bright and joy to our lives. :) Some other names we considered and ruled out (for this pregnancy, at least) were Mary Catherine (too Catholic for my Baptist husband- my fault for mentioning that it was after my two favorite saints...), Emily (someone dated an Emily in the past and messed up my baby girl name from childhood), Lily (I think I was the only one that liked this one), Kara, Tamera, and Kelly (those last three were ALL Travis)...and a few more that I haven't totally ruled out using for future babies. :)
And an updated bump picture would go here, but to be totally honest, I don't have an updated bump picture...so...here's a picture from 17/18 weeks (so, about 2 weeks ago). I'm pretty sure I look pretty much the same.
How far along: 20 weeks! (Yay, we are HALFWAY there!)
Size of baby: A banana. Somewhere around 10 inches. She now weighs 12 oz, and she's got ridiculously long legs that are measuring 2 weeks ahead.
Sleep: When I'm not fighting insomnia, back pain, or trying to figure out a way to sleep on my side...I'm sleeping quite well. :)
Symptoms: Super tired. My husband would say I'm moody and I cry all the time over nothing. My back hurts so bad. If I sit or lay the wrong way, I get dizzy. And then, there's the fact that I have Little Miss Leggy kicking me everywhere. :)
Cravings: Does water count as a craving? I'm all about the ice water right now.
Gender: She's definitely a GIRL! We got a pretty clear shot at today's ultrasound- so unless she's super sneaky, we're 99.999% sure we're having a little miss.
Cravings: Does water count as a craving? I'm all about the ice water right now.
Gender: She's definitely a GIRL! We got a pretty clear shot at today's ultrasound- so unless she's super sneaky, we're 99.999% sure we're having a little miss.
Maternity clothes: Yep. The only thing comfortable right now is leggings and tunics...so that it is. And pajama pants.
Miss anything?: For the first time this pregnancy...not really. Not pregnancy related, anyways. I miss Alabama something terrible.
Best moment this week: Our anatomy ultrasound today! We got to see all of the parts and systems of Baby P, and hear that she's healthy and growing!
Best moment this week: Our anatomy ultrasound today! We got to see all of the parts and systems of Baby P, and hear that she's healthy and growing!
Looking forward to: 1 month from now reaching viability (24 weeks)- it's our next big milestone. :)
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