Hi, I'm Lauren and this is my little corner of the great big internet.
I'm a wife to T and a mama to S. I'm a hesitant seamstress, an ironically good chef, and a huge fan of high fives (don't hug me without permission, please- even if I am from the South!).
I'm an Alabama girl who fell in love with a Texas boy- who just so happened to be an Air Force officer that whisked me out of my homeland and into the wild and crazy outside world. Never in a million years did I think that I'd live this far from "home", much less on a path to move every 3-5 years- but when you find true love, you hang on tight and see where God brings you. So far that hasn't failed us too much, and it has led us on many unforgettable adventures.
As a present for our 1 year anniversary, a bright shining light came into our lives and we call her Sadie (S). S is our crazy, feisty, strong-willed child- I'm pretty sure that Dr. Sears would declare her a "high needs baby" and she keeps me on my toes and is probably going to make me go gray before I'm 30. But, her snuggles are the sweetest and most amazing thing I could ever imagine, so I'll deal with the bad days as they come.
I'm in the process of recovering from anorexia- it's a struggle that began many, many years ago and a battle that that I started waging war against four years ago. I thought that I had found lasting recovery, but I suffered a relapse during my pregnancy with S that I've been fighting to overcome since. Each day is a step in the journey and each choice I make towards recovery is a step in the right direction. I seek to fight the battle one day at a time and I know that with God's help and the support of family and friends that this battle will someday be won and this disease will be defeated.
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