Due to several things, I had already decided before T and I were even a "thing" that I wanted to do a "first look". First of all, I have major anxiety issues, and I knew that seeing my groom pre-wedding would make things much less stressful (for the record- it was). I highly recommend that anxious peoples like me do this. I wasn't afraid of him leaving me at the alter, it was comforting to have him around, and- let's face it- I already had to take multiple anxiety prns before the wedding and was still having anxiety attacks- I think I would have died if I had tried to wait to see T until the ceremony. Plus, it meant we could take pictures together, with our wedding party, and with our families before the wedding and not have to worry about people having to wait around at the reception for all of us to show up. All in all, I thought it was a wonderful choice.
Our wedding coordinator/my mom's BFF/my second mom highly recommended that we did the first look due to the above issues. She (and our photographer) agreed that we wanted it to be as intimate of an event as possible, and we still wanted to maintain the traditional experience of me walking down the aisle to meet my groom, so we did our first look in the Sanctuary where we were to be wed, and only us and our photographer were in the room. Yes, only T, Julie, and I were in the room. I made it clear on our wedding itinerary (yes, we had a 15 page wedding itinerary that I created and sent out to all involved- I'll talk about that at a later time, but I feel like it was the greatest idea I ever had) that I wanted this to be private and that I didn't want anyone else entering the room, I wanted all doors closed, and I didn't want anyone watching from the windows (or at least, I didn't want to see them doing so). It might have seemed a little Bridezilla-ish, but that's how I wanted this sacred moment to go down- so that's how it happened. I'm glad I stood up for myself, because I cherish the moments that T and I were able to have (mostly) alone. Our photographer was great- she stayed out of the way and I didn't even really realize she was there- she moved quietly and didn't interrupt us, which was great.
Yes. I cried. It was out of happiness and disbelief that all of this was really real and I was really getting to marry my best friend. They were happy tears- I promise. :)
And T laughed at me the whole time that I was crying. And then, he made some inappropriate joke (okayyy, it was probably "appropriate" being that we were to be wed in a few hours and we had a wedding night coming up- but you get the picture...as my dad liked to say- #handsoffpotthoff).
First look- check! Next up- our wedding pictures!
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